Men Love Reformer Pilates

Forget Stereotypes, Get Results: Why Men Need Reformer Pilates

I have to admit that when I was 27 years old I used to say: “Yoga is an activity for women.” Pilates was no different in my eyes back then. A bit less than 20 years later not only my view on the subject has changed but I now see yoga and reformer pilates as indispensable components of a rounded training program for men. But why do men need reformer pilates?

Without a doubt there are still men that think the way I used to at the age of 27. Yet times have changed and I am now having men clients that love practicing reformer pilates as much as they do gym sessions. If you are currently on the fence let me share with you the 3 reasons that make men love reformer pilates.

Static stretching is boring

It is no secrete that men tend to be stiffer than women. Again guess what is the last thing any stiff person wants to do? Correct, Stretch. In Reformer Pilates through the use of springs and straps allows for traditional stretching exercises to be performed against resistance. This allows for opposing muscles to contract (easier) when other muscles are stretched – which translates into active flexibility. It also provides some instant feedback so if you don’t know where exactly you are supposed to feel the stretch you are more likely to “feel it”.

Individuals that are used to weight training relate easier to stretching with resistance. A lot of men love the idea of pushing or pulling while stretching their cement-like muscles.

The important muscles are not always big

The focus in most gym programs is on the big muscles: chest, legs, glutes, back. The reality is that big muscles depend on smaller muscles in order to function optimally (ie. Rotator cuff stabilise the Deltoids). Small, supportive muscles are often overlooked in gym workouts but weakness or imbalance in them can predispose us to injuries.

You probably have heard that:

“An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure.”

Soon after men start practicing Reformer Pilates understand that the muscles they have been overlooking deserve more attention and by doing so not only they will reduce the risk of injuries but they can also enhance their performance in their favourite sport (ski, tennis, basketball, etc.).

Who wants fat around his waist?

Men (more so than women prior to menopause) are prone to developing the apple shape figure. The effect that cortisol has on adipose tissue promotes excess energy to be stored around the gut as opposed to evenly around the body.

While body composition can benefit from cardio and resistance training in the gym, the Reformer Pilates exercises offer unique ways to target the mid-section and “slim down” a man’s waist. Do you know of a man that would not love to have stronger abs and wear jeans a few sizes smaller in waist?

Take home message

There is always some truth behind stereotypes. Most men consider pilates to be a women’s hobby but as much as women they want results and in my experience it only takes 1 or 2 classes to see the value and enjoy Reformer Pilates. The fact that they can stretch with resistance, help them improve in sports and strengthen their midsection are sufficient to get them hooked!