There are 3 parking options for our studio. Dalmeny Rd is the most convenient for those visiting from other boroughs. Islington residents have it easy as they can park anywhere on Tufnell Park Rd. A few meters down our street – towards Holloway Rd – there is cheap pay as you go parking.

Dalmeny Rd

The most convenient way to park near us if you are not an Islington resident is at Dalmeny Rd. Outside 10am and 12am parking is free. With that said this is a small stretch and while during the day you are very likely to find free parking there, late afternoon there might be less availability.

Islington Residents

If you are an Islington residents you can park anywhere on Tufnell Park Rd. There are a couple of different zones with the Borough so please check which zones your permit covers.

Pay as you go

Any time of the day you can park at the pay as you go spots close to Holloway Rd.